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Writer's pictureJacob Garland

Stopping Acid Rain

Updated: Jan 6, 2018

After hearing that acid rain is slowly destroying our forests and harming many people, the next logical question to ask is, "Well, how can we stop it?" Now, the answer to that question is nowhere near simple, as it's a global problem, but there are some steps that individuals like us can take to ensure that we are not contributing to the issue. So, in this post, I wanted to talk about what exactly we can do to help, both within our own homes and without. Here are a few of the best solutions you can implement into your lifestyle to help reduce the production of acid rain.

The Big Idea

The main aspect of our lives we should focus on when talking about solutions to acid rain is REDUCING CONSUMPTION OF ENERGY. The production of energy is one of the leading producers of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which as I mentioned in my last post are the two main causes of acid rain. When we burn coal to make energy, it releases sulfur dioxide, and when we burn oil or natural gas, it releases nitrogen oxide. So, logically, we know that by reducing our need for these substances to be burned (which is done by using less energy) less of these toxic substances will be released into the atmosphere. Of course, there are other aspects of our lives that contribute, but to start let's talk about how to reduce our energy consumption.

How to Use Less Energy

While this could easily be a topic that takes up a whole post (which I may or may not do in the future) it especially pertains to acid rain, so I thought it would be fitting to give a brief overview of the topic here. So, let's start with some of the most simple ways you can save energy, and then progress on to some of the more complicated or tough (but most influential) ways you can do it.


This includes some of the most obvious things you can do to save energy, and most of them are already known. They are very easy to do, but unfortunately don't have too much of an effect if you only do them once.

  • Turn of lights and electronics when not using them- all you have to do is remember. When walking out of a room, make sure to turn the lights off and, going to bed, make sure that all electronics you used during the day are FULLY shut off.

    • This ALSO includes unplugging cords when not using them. Cords like phone chargers STILL draw power even when they are not connected to a phone, so make sure to unplug them!

  • Use appliances less- this includes hanging up clothes to dry instead of using the dryer, washing clothes/dishes by hand, and cooking multiple batches of food at the same time. By doing this, you use your appliances, and in turn energy, much less.


Not all of these solutions are obvious, and they do have a fairly large effect on our energy consumption. Implementing these into your lifestyle will help a great deal in reducing acid rain

  • Replace old appliances!- we all like to save money, and using appliances for as long as we can helps to do that. However, if you are still using an old appliance, it may actually be costing you more than buying a new, more energy efficient one outright would. Replacing old things like light bulbs, refrigerators, and other appliances with more energy efficient versions not only saves you money but helps lower your energy consumption.

  • This also includes tools like lawnmowers and chainsaws. By switching to new, electric versions, you save money on gas and pollute less. Some may argue that you are now using more energy with an electric device, but the end amount of pollution is much less than a gas version would create.

  • Get a programmable thermostat- having a thermostat that can be set to turn off when no one is around or when everyone is sleeping can save a lot of energy. Recommended temperatures to set it to are 68 Degrees Fahrenheit (20 Degrees Celsius) in the winter and 72 Degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 Degrees Celsius) in the summer to use the least amount of energy on average.

  • Shop at a local store- trucks and other vehicles used to transport foods to the corporate grocery store use a lot of ene​​rgy and burn a lot of fossil fuels. By buying locally, you know that the amount of pollution and energy used is minimal because the foods there don't have to be transported across long distances.

  • Also, if you decide to shop at your grocery store, make sure to use paper or reusable bags instead of plastic.


Not everyone can take part in these solutions, as they can cost a lot of money and don't always fit everyone's lifestyles. However, if you are looking to make a big change, here are a few ways you can do just that and save energy while you're doing it:

  • Switch your energy provider- find a company that has committed to using reusable energy, and make sure you know where exactly your energy is coming from.

  • Install solar panels- by creating your own energy at home through sunlight, there is little to no pollution created. Also, you have to buy less energy from a company, meaning a lower electricity bill!

  • Insulate your home- putting extra insulation between walls and around windows ensures that less heat escapes from your house, meaning you can use less energy to sustain a good temperature.

Changing Your Use of Vehicles

While using less energy is an immensely helpful method of fighting against acid rain, changing your driving habits can help too. Cars are direct polluters, meaning that we have distinct control over the amount of pollution that is released. So, by using our cars less, less of the harmful oxides and dioxides that cause acid rain are released into the atmosphere. So, if you can, I highly suggest replacing driving by yourself with walking, biking, or carpooling with others. Also, if you are in the market for a new car, consider purchasing an electric or at least hybrid version. It can really help to limit the amount of pollutants, and in turn acid rain, in the atmosphere.


Because I used so much space talking about how you can conserve energy, I wanted to say that there are many, many other solutions to acid rain that I did not get to talk about in this post. Because of this, there may be a part two coming down the line later. But, until then, I highly recommend you check out the links below for more information on how you can help.

Acid rain is an extremely serious problem, and threatens the livelihoods of not only us, but the ecosystems around us too. By implementing these helpful solutions into our lifestyles, we can ensure that no more forests are lost, and no more ecosystems are destroyed by our actions. But if we don't take action against this problem, it will only continue to get worse. Today's the day to start, not tomorrow, not next week. If we all take the time TODAY to put these solutions into practice, we can stop acid rain in its tracks. Thanks for reading.

All credit for information used in this article goes to: Images:

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