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Writer's pictureJacob Garland

Solving Ocean Pollution

Now that Ocean Pollution has been established as a problem, what can individuals do about it? The solutions range from a global scale to something simple that you could do in your home any day. It’s important to remember that solutions to these large problems don’t always start in the public eye. Solutions begin with one person, changing the way they live, maybe only slightly. What matters is doing not one spontaneous large amount of good, but rather sustaining a life that not only benefits you, but the people and environment around you.

So What Solutions Are There

Well there are a lot of them. You can do anything from using reusable bags to traveling around the world picking up trash. It doesn’t much matter how you help, but how much you help. The smallest and arguably easiest ways to make a difference is to change the way you consume. What I mean by this is that we as consumers have the right to choose which products we buy and which we don’t. This is an extremely powerful way to make change, and many don’t realize it.

Changing the Way We Buy

Most companies produce products with plastic because their consumers prefer products with plastic. It is an easy and reliable way to store many products. But, as discussed in my last post, plastic has a terrible and unfortunately lasting effect on our oceans. If we begin to buy from companies that use less plastic, or have no plastic at all, there is no reason for companies to produce this harsh material. Choosing to buy products from companies that use a material like cardboard over plastic can make a larger change than you think.

Storing Food

Changing the ways you store and purchase food can also have an effect on how much trash ends up in the ocean. By using reusable containers instead of ones you throw away (plastic bags, tin-foil, etc.), you can produce less trash. Not only will it help the oceans, but it will save you money, because you won’t have to keep buying non-reusable containers. Also, at a grocery store, using re-usable bags like the ones made out of cloth or paper can also be very helpful. Even if you have to use plastic bags at a grocery, you can still re-use those bags too, as long as you are careful enough not to damage them.


Finally, another simple solution to ocean pollution is to not litter. While it may not seem like it, throwing a piece of trash out a window on a highway or in a park can have a profound effect on the environment. When someone throw a piece of trash on the ground, they likely think that the effect will be minimal. After all, it’s only one piece of trash right? Well when thousands of people think the same way as they do, it can get quite out of hand. If each of those people had realized that even throwing one piece of trash on the ground has a large effect, it would make littering much less of a problem.

Physical Work

Of course, there is also physical work to be done. Organizations that clean up the ocean, like the Ocean Research and Conservation Association (ORCA), need more help. If you know of a beach cleanup in your area, I highly suggest you participate. Not only are they a good way to get outside and appreciate the environment, but lots of trash can be cleaned up, which helps more than you might think. Additionally, if you can't participate physically, you can donate your money to various organizations. They can always use more funding, and they’ll need it if we hope to fix these problems. A few of the organizations I know of are ORCA (, The Blue Frontier Campaign (, and the Safina Center (

Additionally, being careful to recycle plastics instead of throwing them away can improve the condition of our oceans. And generally, if you see trash thrown on the ground, pick it up. Most of that trash either pollutes soil, or ends up in the ocean. It doesn’t take much effort to pick up trash, but it can make a difference.


So, the solutions to Ocean Pollution are not as difficult as many people make it out to be. However, it will take the effort of nearly everybody to fully stop it. If we all put in a small effort, it could help to clean our oceans,

and solve one of the largest problems we as humans face today.

If you would like to see more of these posts, make sure to follow my blog. Thanks for reading.

All credit for information used in this post goes to the following websites:,, and


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