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Writer's pictureJacob Garland

Solving Climate Change

Updated: Jan 6, 2018

If you saw last week’s post, then you know that we talked about the ever growing problem of Climate Change. If you haven’t seen it, and want to learn more about Climate Change, then you can check it out here: Anyway, this week’s post is focused on the possible solutions to Climate Change.

So What Can We Do?

Well it’s easier than you think. Simple changes to our lifestyles and how we consume and choose items can lead to a drastic change in the amount of greenhouse gasses produced

throughout the world. I personally used to think that these solutions could only be achieved through some large corporation making a change, that someone higher up would have to make a change before I did. This is most certainly not the case, and in fact, the truth is the exact opposite. If we as consumers start to make changes to which products we buy and how we use them, it can even affect how much big corporations pollute. By choosing to buy more eco-friendly products, such as foods that are not individually wrapped in plastic, it can force the hand of those who run the companies that make them. After all, we are the ones supporting these companies.

Careful Purchasing

Next time you head to a super-market to pick up groceries or necessary foods, consider this: If you purchase a certain company’s product, you approve the product, no matter the means by which it was created. By buying a product from a company that may pollute more than it should, even unknowingly, you are saying that you support the means that company took to make your product. Always look for the more eco-friendly and healthy options when you are choosing which foods or products to buy. Here are a few tips to ensure that the product you are buying is truly environmentally friendly:

Watch for Popular Buzzwords: While you may think words like "carbon neutral" and "eco-friendly" seen on packaging are a sure sign of good intentions, there aren't many regulations on what companies can say to convince you. Take these statements with a grain of salt, and research the company saying them before you purchase the product.

Be Careful of Packaging: Many companies like to use fancy packaging to draw a buyer in, but these packages usually use a host of bad materials to get their looks. Try and purchase products with minimalist packaging, as that gives you the best change to support a green company.

Look for Certification: There are many different types of certification that companies can receive if their product is eco-friendly. Here are a few:

Energy Star- appliances and electronics

USDA Organic Seal- cosmetics and foods

Green Seal- cleaning products

Forest Stewardship Council Logo- for paper and wood productions

Electrical Devices

Another simple solution to climate change comes through the way we use our devices. What many do not know is that most of them continue to use energy even when off, if they are plugged into an outlet. So, instead of just turning off the computer or TV, make sure they are unplugged from any outlet. This can reduce the amount of energy we use drastically,

and in turn, the amount of greenhouse gasses produced. This also applies to leaving lights, air conditioning, or fans on. If you don’t need them, turn them off! Many times we forget just how long we can leave on a light or device when not using them. By consciously thinking about when we need appliances turned on, the time spent

consuming energy is drastically reduced. And here’s an added benefit: by cutting down on how much you use electronics, it can save you money too! Using less electricity means a lower electric bill each month. With saving money and saving the world, there is no reason not to cut down on the amount of electricity we use.

Some Drastic Solutions

There are two final solutions that would help with climate change, but it would require more work from everybody. The first of these is putting a limit on how many children you have in a family. This one is certainly more controversial, but could help in the long run. Some countries have already put limits on how many children you can have in a family, and it has had an impact in the amount of greenhouse gasses produced. By only having one or two children to each family, we can not only reduce climate change, but also decrease the ever growing human population. It is morbid, but with less people in the world, there is less use of electricity. In turn, less electricity and production of artificial food products means less greenhouse gasses emitted. Of course, a decision to limit a family to only a few children should never be forced upon anyone, just know that if you have a small family, you are unconsciously helping the environment!

Electric Cars

The last solution I will talk about in this post is about electric cars.The amount of pollution created by motor-vehicles is astronomical. Almost everybody uses cars to get where they need to go. However, there are more economically-friendly alternatives to using cars, and there are even solutions if you NEED to use a car. The first option is fairly obvious. Walking or biking is a much more eco-friendly alternative to driving. You don’t use any energy or pollute, and in turn you get exercise and even closer experiences with nature. However, it also takes longer, and is not practical if you need to travel very long distances. So what if you need to use a car? Well, there are two possible solutions. First, you can invest in an eco friendly or electric car. These cars usually end up lasting longer, and if they are efficient, they can pollute less as well. However, electric cars aren’t optimal, as the energy needed to power the car has to be produced, and that also creates greenhouse gasses. A better solution to this problem is to carpool. If you and a friend need to get to the same place, take one car instead of two. This halves the amount of pollution you produce, and if you switch off regularly, can make both of your cars last longer.


In conclusion, simple changes to your lifestyle, if adopted by everyone, can make a huge change in the direction our Earth is heading. Please take these options into consideration when making a choice that could potentially effect the environment, even if it isn’t on a large scale.

Edit: I meant this post to be a general and simple guide to how you can reduce your carbon footprint. However, I cannot stress enough the fact that I have not included all the information you can know into this one post. While I do hope to go more in depth in specifics in the future, if you want to learn more, please check out these websites:

These websites really helped in the researching of this post, and I want to give them the credit they deserve. Please check them out if you have the time, and thank you for reading!

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