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Writer: Jacob GarlandJacob Garland

Updated: Jan 5, 2018

Being one of the most common issues in the environment today, it is surprising to say that littering is often overlooked. However, it is just as important as many of the others problems we see, so it is vital to recognize this importance and learn how to stop it. Littering is more of an unorthodox problem in the sense that it is actually caused by individuals, rather than the masses, as seen in many other present day environmental issues. So, to get started, let's talk about what makes littering such a problem in the first place.

Why is Littering Even a Problem?

What makes littering such a large issue in our society today is the mentality behind it. Many don't consider littering a problem, as it is often lost amongst what are considered more "pressing" issues. This leads many to litter without realizing they are doing it. Once litter has accumulated in an area, it encourages others to litter as well, leading to an exponentially worse problem. And, without people to advocate against this problem, like we have for deforestation and climate change, it continues to plague many ecosystems around the world. As mentioned before, littering is a bit different from many other environmental problems. This is because its solution relies strictly on each individual doing their part to solve it. While other problems, such as climate change, do rely on this to a certain extent, the fact is that you can't "not litter" FOR someone.

For climate change, you can offset someones carbon emissions by limiting your own. You cannot, however, offset how much someone litters by limiting how much you do it, because if you don't already litter there is no way you can decrease the amount you litter anymore. This is why littering is such a hard problem to solve. It relies on EVERYONE being educated enough to realize how much of a detriment it is, and then being dedicated enough to stop themselves from doing it. So, this post is my attempt to educate as many people as I can about how littering can affect the environment, and why it is worth it to take the extra effort to dispose of waste properly.

What Effect Does Littering Have?

Litter in itself causes multiple different problems, both in environmental ecosystems and in human residences. First, lets start by talking about what effects litter has on the environment.

On the environment:

  • Ocean pollution- much of the litter thrown on the ground eventually makes it way to the ocean, where it accumulates in large quantities. This trash, as it dissolves, releases toxic chemicals into the water that often poisons marine wildlife. Littered items are also one of the largest contributors to ocean pollution.

  • Mistaken food- litter, whether it be on land or in the sea, is often mistaken for food by wild animals. After consuming the trash, the animals are poisoned, and most of them die. According to, "An estimated one million birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die each year when they become trapped in [littered] plastic."

  • Spreading toxins- litter does not only poison water, it can poison soil too. Depending on the type of litter, as a product decomposes (which can take up to 1000 years depending on what the product is made of) it releases toxins into the soil that can kill off nearby plant life, and make the soil unusable.

While having many effects on the environment, littering has an even greater effect on the people who cause it. Here are some of the effects littering has on humans.

On humans:

  • Fire hazard- again, depending on what material is being littered, litter can cause an area to be more susceptible to catching fire. A common cause of this is discarded cigarette butts, which have even been known to start fires on their own.

  • Public health- when litter accumulates in large quantities, it is very often home to some dangerous bacteria. It attracts rodents and other disease-spreading animals, as well as cultivates hazardous types of bacteria.

  • It looks bad- while we may not realize it, an area's aesthetic is very important to the human mind. Not only can littering affect the chances of households in an area being purchased, but it can also affect the mental health of those already living within that area. We all enjoy a clean living space, and having one strewn with litter begins to take its toll over time, even though we may not realize it.

  • It leads to even more litter- as discussed before, when an area is already plagued by litter, it encourages even more to be added. This is because one piece of trash littered in a clean area makes someone feel worse than if it were to be added to a pile of litter.

  • It costs money!- removing litter costs a lot of money. When it gets to the point where an area is no longer livable due to litter, it has to be removed, and is often dumped into the ocean. Not only is this extremely expensive, but it can be easily avoided.

How to Solve Littering

It cannot be denied that littering is difficult to solve. However, this certainly does not mean we shouldn't try. The solutions to this problem are EXTREMELY easy; the only thing is that everyone has to do it. Because these solutions are so easy, they did not warrant their own post, so I am just going to include them here quickly:

  • 1. Don't litter- honestly, just look for a nearby trashcan or recycling bin. It may be easier to throw it on the ground, but remember that every time you do that you are directly contributing to the issues listed above.

  • 2. Make sure you put waste in the right receptacles- this one comes after you successfully do the first step. Make sure that materials, depending on what they are made of, go in the recycling, compost, or garbage.

  • 3. Encourage others to stop littering- spread the word. Make sure others know what effect they have on the environment when they litter.

  • 4. Pickup trash- when you see any trash lying on the ground, make sure to pick it up. By doing so you are directly helping to save the environment!


So, while littering requires does everyone to do their part, it is certainly not a problem we can't solve. It takes only a tiny bit of effort, and ending it can create huge benefits for not only the health of the environment, but the health of humanity as well. Countless animals each year are victims of littering, and they can be saved very easily. If we work together to stop littering, we can create the environment we all want to live in, and ensure that it can stay that way for years to come. Thanks for reading.

All credit for information goes to the following websites:



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