So, now that we have talked about a false solution to our energy problems, in the form of fracking, it's time to start talking about some real solutions. If you didn't get a chance to read up on fracking, you can check out my post on the subject here. So, to continue from that post: what real, reliable energy solutions are out there in the world? And how can we know, for sure, that they won't turn out the same as fracking? Well, the answer lays in a completely new way of sourcing our energy, called "alternative energies". It's new, it's efficient, and most importantly: it's clean.

What are Alternative Energies?

Now, this subject has been discussed a lot in recent years, so it's likely that most who are reading this already know a good deal about alternative energies. However, for those who have not heard of them yet, alternative energies are officially defined as: "energy generated in ways that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment, especially by avoiding the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power" (Google Dictionary). And well, that's about it. Alternative energies are alternatives to coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power that have extremely little to no effect on the environment. When thinking about these energies, most people immediately jump to solar. While this is a popular form of alternative energy, there are many, many others. This is important to keep in mind when talking about the practicality of alternative energies.
The Real Point of This Article
However, all that stuff is pretty standard, and not what I wanted to focus on in this article. What I really wanted to talk about are all the benefits that these alternative energies bring, not only to our communities, but to the environment as well. Too often alternative energies are talked about as an impossible idea of the future, a naive hope for a solution. We couldn't hope to completely replace our energy with this, right? Well, take one look at all the benefits doing so would provide, and it may seem just a little bit more probable.

First Off: It Is Actually Possible

But before we get to the benefits of a complete switch, it's important to know that it is actually possible. Many denounce alternative energies because they believe it impossible to support the energy demands of the world on any system other than the pre-established coal, oil, and gas. However, it is completely doable. Now, I have neither the qualification, experience, or time to explain how this would happen in full. So instead of attempting to, I heavily suggest you check out the website thesolutionsproject. There, you can see a full, detailed summary of how countries like the United States can completely switch over to alternative energies by the year 2050, simultaneously up keeping our demand for energy and providing great benefits at the same time. It's comprehensive, interesting, and easy to understand, so I highly suggest you check it out if you doubt the possibilities of alternative energy.
The Benefits
So, now that we know this is actually possible, here are a few of the many benefits that switching to completely alternative energy would give us:
Slows Climate Change!: The most obvious benefits of these energies are that they slow the ever-growing problem of Climate Change. Harmful toxins and gasses normally released by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas are nonexistent in the production of alternative energies. By switching, we can help to change the harmful and deadly course we have set for ourselves.

Improves Health Conditions- As talked about in my last post, operations like fracking can release harmful chemicals into our air and our water. And with smog generated by the burning of coal and oil, the energies we have now don't make for very good conditions for people living near where they are created. Alternative energies, on the other hand, release none of these pollutants, keeping our lungs and bodies clear of toxins.

Improves Economy- Another big argument for the fossil fuel industry is that it keeps America's (and other country's) economies strong. However, a switch to alternative energies would not only allow a country's economy to stay strong, but would provide more jobs, and would even give money back to the consumer. Again, I don't have enough qualification to explain exactly how this works, so check out thesolutionsproject to learn more about how this would happen.

Gives Power to the Consumer- Nobody likes handing over boatloads of money to big name companies, and then having to stand by as they ultimately raise their prices. Alternative energies would play a big role in giving more power to the consumer. For example, if someone were to install solar panels on their roofs, they would no longer have to pay the big company as much money for energy. And with more neighborhood run energy systems (which would be the structure for alternative energy) more control is given to the individual rather than the companies.

And these are just a few of the many, many benefits of alternative energies. If you want to see more, and trust me there are more than can be counted, feel free to check out here, here, and here.
Why Haven't We Switched Yet?

So, with all the benefits alternative energies provide, it has to be wondered why we haven't already started widespread use of them. I see two major reasons for this: the first is that the companies who provide our energy (and who are currently using harmful methods of sourcing energy) have no incentive to switch. They make tons of money off of what they produce, so until the Earth is sucked dry, why stop? As they continue to make money off of these resources, and continue to ignore the long term consequences, there is no reason for them to switch their methods. The second reason has to do with us, the individual. Because after all, alternative energies do give more power to the individual, right? While this is true, it also means that individuals have a lot more responsibility.
And the truth is, it can be hard to switch to alternative energies. As of now, they can be expensive, and while they provide huge economical benefits IN THE LONG RUN, many families simply cannot afford the upfront costs that a switch to alternative energies (like installing solar panels) requires. It's expensive, not extremely accessible, and not supported by many energy companies.
But, alternative energies are becoming cheaper, more widespread. And the truth is, they have to. It's estimated that the energy sources we use now (coal, oil, gas) will only last for another 80 years. So, realistically, we have no other option but to switch to these alternative energies, and do it before it's too late. Big energy companies are profiting immensely from the production of current energies, but they can't forever. In the near future, these resources will run out, and unless we switch, we'll be left with nothing.

But if alternative energies are expensive, and not backed by many companies, how can we actually switch? What can we do as individuals to push the change to alternative energies, and create a brighter, cleaner future before the time is up? Well, there are a multitude of things we can do, all of which I plan to talk about in my next post. If the companies won't switch over, than we have an obligation to do it for them. Alternative energies are the future, and if big companies refuse to realize that, then they will fall along with the rest of us.

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