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Writer's pictureJacob Garland

Guide To Recycling Your Christmas Aftermath

Updated: Jan 6, 2018

Merry Christmas! Well, Merry Christmas Eve to be exact. As we draw ever closer to the festive day, I wanted to take a quick break from the more serious issues to talk about some simple ways everyone can help minimize their waste. Just because it's that time of year doesn't mean we can throw away everything we've learned about helping the Earth. No, there's still a ton of work to do, and while we can relax a little bit, there are still responsibilities to be upheld. And this Christmas, the most important responsibility for everyone around the world fortunate enough to celebrate it is to make sure we clean up after ourselves. Millions upon millions of tons of waste are produced every Christmas. So how can we, as individuals with the power to make conscious decisions, limit this waste as much as we can? Enter the Christmas recycling plan:

The Christmas Recycling Plan

So, in order to reduce our waste this Christmas, we need to know what items can be recycled and what has to be thrown out. Most importantly, however, we need to ensure that these two categories don't mix. When recycling companies find trash in a section of recycling, they cannot waste time and money sorting it out, so the whole group of materials is burned. It's our job to make sure trash and recycling (especially on Christmas) stays separated.

But how can we know what to recycle and what to throw away? Well, each Christmas item is different. Bows, wrapping paper, glitter, and even the toys themselves all have different properties, meaning they can't all be put into one category. On top of this, items like wrapping paper and Christmas cards made out of one material may be recyclable, but one made out of another may not be. There are many levels to determining what is recyclable during Christmas, but with this guide I hope to make it as easy as possible. First, let's start by talking about Christmas cards.

Christmas Cards

Unfortunately, not many cards can be recycled. Any with lots of metallic embossing, shiny coverings, or those that are printed on photo paper cannot be recycled. Glitter on cards (no matter the amount) also renders the cards unrecyclable, however plain cards (even with designs) CAN be recycled, so make sure to note what kind of paper the card is printed on. Also, if you noticed that one side of a card (or one half) might be able to be recycled, but the other can't be, tear it in half when you no longer need it and put each half in the correct disposal

Wrapping Paper

Remember: not ALL wrapping paper can be recycled. Contrary to its name, some wrapping papers cannot be recycled like their normal paper counterparts. When deciding what wrapping paper can be recycled, look to its texture. If it's metallic, has any glitter, or has velvety flocking, it CANNOT be recycled. However, normal wrapping paper can be, and the tape can go with it too. Whenever possible though, it's best to use a reusable gift bag instead of wrapping paper to avoid confusion.

There's a good rule of thumb for testing if wrapping paper can be recycled or not, and it's called the scrunch test. You can read more about it and see a video showcasing it here. The link also provides some more options for getting rid of wrapping paper.


Nearly all bows are unrecyclable. Most of them are made out of a combination of paper and plastic, and that added plastic prevents the bow from being recycled. Additionally, the glue used to attach most bows can't be recycled either, so it's a good rule of thumb to never put bows in the recycling bin unless you are 100% sure upon purchase that they can be recycled. Rather than attempting to recycle them, it's best to reuse bows, as you can simply put another piece of tape on it if the glue no longer sticks. Don't throw them out or recycle them, reuse them.


Ribbons are very similar to bows, but have an even worse effect if they are recycled. Because of their size and bendable nature, when recycled they can actually clog up the machines used in many recycling facilities. This slows the process of recycling greatly, and can end up costing the facility a lot of money to fix. So, just like bows, you should not recycle nor throw away ribbons, but rather try to reuse them for upcoming years. Or even better, find a replacement (like string) for them so you don't have to use them at all.


Cardboard boxes used to ship many Christmas presents can also be recycled. Most people know this, however it's also extremely important when recycling these boxes to break them down flat. This helps to save space on recycling trucks and prevents them from having to take more trips to collect all materials, which in turn saves energy. Also, if there is a lot of heavy duty tape on a box, make sure to remove at least some of it to make the recycling process easier. As far as bottles or containers (made out of recyclable materials like glass) go, make sure to wash them out fully to ensure no residue spills on other materials during the recycling process.

Christmas Tree

And finally, once Christmas is over, there are better ways to dispose of your tree then just leaving it on the curb to be taken to a landfill. The most common way to rid yourself of it is to leave it in the backyard, where it will eventually decompose. As long as the tree wasn't treated with any chemicals, this helps to return the nutrients from the tree back into the soil, leaving little to no waste. There are many other, more creative ways to use a tree after Christmas, but I don't have space to talk about them here. Check out this website for more ways on how to reuse your old Christmas tree.


So, there are many things to be taken into account when cleaning up after Christmas. However, if you take anything away from this post, it's that you should at least be mindful of what you put in the trash and recycling, especially during Christmas. It is the season of giving after all, and that means we should not only give back to the people we love, but the Earth we love too. By carefully choosing which materials can be recycled and which can't be during the Christmas season, we can ensure that we're doing our part in helping the Earth return to the planet we have always loved. Unfortunately, I didn't have space to cover everything you need to know in this post, so if you come across a circumstance not mentioned here during your Christmas, then check out the links provided below for more information. And maybe do some research on your own too! Every little bit helps. Thanks for reading.

All credit for information used in this post goes to:

Images: TinEye&utm_source= 77643&utm_term=

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